
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Attack Comments Will Not Be Tolerated

This website is only about a month old, and I've already received several hate filled attack comments. I guess I should have expected that, considering the controversial subject matter of this site. You know, apps. I mean, everybody knows there's not a more dubious subject than an operating system's apps, right?

Some of the comments I've received have been brilliantly scathing words, such as, "Windows 8 suxxx," or "This is the most terrible article evar." Sure, stuff to make me reconsider the whole direction of my humble little website. I guess the subject of apps is just too upsetting for the normal computer user.

Let me get a little more serious. I'm grateful to all of you who are reading my site this soon. I never expected this many readers in the first few weeks. But for the little clowns who like to send attack comments, you will never get a foothold in my comments section. I will delete your comments immediately. This is purely a place to appreciate Windows 8 and inform about apps. We don't need any unreasonable negativity here.

The only people who have opinions like I demonstrated above are petty little jerks who are afraid of the new Microsoft operating system for one reason or another. It could be that they think it threatens their precious little device, so they are trying to make us feel bad and to steer us away. These people obviously have some negative agenda. Trying to wreck our enjoyment of something is worthless and petty, and it accomplishes nothing.

Constructive criticism is always welcome though. Anything to add to a post or conversation is always good. It's obvious that some people aren't yet ready for Windows 8. It's sometimes good for us to understand why. But most of you who come to this site are fans of Windows 8 and its apps. You are the people this site is for, not the childish idiots who's minds are too simple to be able to deal with the slightest change.

I started this site because I saw a need for people to be informed about Windows 8 app news and recommendations. I waited for someone else to do it, but there were no takers, so I decided to do it myself. This is a safe place for those of us who like Windows 8 apps, and it will stay that way. I hope you continue to enjoy it. We will, of course, return to our normal subject of Windows 8 apps in my next post.

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